thenewbostonさんによる「Django Tutorials for Beginners」
インストール方法から始めて,REST APIまで。顔出しなし。
最終更新日: 2016/04/07
- 1. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 1 - Installing Django
- 2. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 2 - Creating a Project
- 3. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 3 - Creating Our First App
- 4. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 4 - Overview of a Basic App
- 5. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 5 - Views
- 6. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 6 - Database Setup
- 7. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 7 - Creating Models
- 8. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 8 - Activating Models
- 9. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 9 - Database API
- 10. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 10 - Filtering Database Results
- 11. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 11 - Admin Interface
- 12. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 12 - Writing Another View
- 13. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 13 - Connecting to the Database
- 14. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 14 - Templates
- 15. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 15 - Render Template Shortcut
- 16. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 16 - Raising a 404 HTTP Error
- 17. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 17 - Adding Songs to our Database
- 18. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 18 - Related Objects Set
- 19. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 19 - Designing the Details Template
- 20. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 20 - Removing Hardcoded URLs
- 21. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 21 - Namespace and HTTP 404 Shortcut
- 22. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 22 - Simple Form
- 23. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 23 - Adding Forms to the Template
- 24. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 24 - Favorite View Function
- 25. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 25 - Bootstrap and Static Files
- 26. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 26 - Navigation Menu
- 27. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 27 - Finishing the Navigation Menu
- 28. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 28 - Creating a Base Template
- 29. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 29 - Generic Views
- 30. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 30 - Model Forms
- 31. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 31 - ModelForm and CreateView
- 32. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 32 - UpdateView and DeleteView
- 33. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 33 - Upload Files
- 34. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 34 - User Registration
- 35. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 35 - User Model and Creating Accounts
- 36. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 36 - User Authentication and Login
- 37. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 37 - REST API Introduction
- 38. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 38 - REST API Models
- 39. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 39 - REST API Serializer JSON
- 40. Django Tutorial for Beginners - 40 - REST API View Request and Response
sentdexさんによる「Django Web Development with Python」
最終更新日: 2016/02/16
- 1. Introduction - Django Web Development with Python 1
- 2. Creating App - Django Web Development with Python 2
- 3. Jinja Templating - Django Web Development with Python 3
- 4. Bootstrap HTML CSS - Django Web Development with Python 4
- 5. Passing variables from python to html - Django Web Development with Python 5
- 6. Beginning Blog - Django Web Development with Python 6
- 7. Blog View and Template - Django Web Development with Python 7
- 8. Database & Migrations - Django Web Development with Python 8
- 9. Admin - Django Web Development with Python 9
- 10. Individual blog pages - Django Web Development with Python 10
- 11. Publishing to a Web Server - Django Web Development with Python 11
- 12. SSL for HTTPS with nginx - Django Web Development with Python 12
Mike Hibbertさんによる「Python Django Tutorials」
最終更新日: 2016/09/10
- 1. Python Django tutorial 1 installing easy_install, virtualenv & django
- 2. Python Django Tutorial 2 new 1.7+ migrations
- 3. Python Django tutorial 3 views, simple urls and basic templates
- 4. Python Django tutorial 4a How to Set the home or default page
- 5. Python Django tutorial 4b advanced views and urls
- 6. Python Django tutorial 5 - The built in Admin interface
- 7. Python Django tutorial 6 - Django Template language
- 8. Python Django tutorial 7 - static files
- 9. Python Django tutorial 8 - cookies and sessions
- 10. Python Django tutorial 9 - users login and logout
- 11. Python Django tutorial 10 - user registration basics
- 12. Python Django tutorial 11 - Extending the registration form
- 13. Python Django tutorial 12 - Creating forms for database models
- 14. Python Django tutorial 13 - updating database records
- 15. Python Django tutorial 14 - file uploading and updating database schema
- 16. Python Django tutorial 15 - Ajax search feature
- 17. Python Django tutorial 16 - Web/REST services with TastyPie !
- 18. Python Django tutorial 17 database migrations and updating schema using south
- 19. Python Django tutorial 18 - Logging
- 20. Python Django tutorial 19 - Using the Form Wizard
- 21. Python Django tutorial 20 - Extending the User model with a user profile
- 22. Python Django Tutorial 21 - Full text search with haystack and whoosh
- 23. Python Django Tutorial 22 - Sending messages to the user
- 24. Python Django Tutorial 23 - filtering data by user and sending notifications
- 25. Python Django Tutorial 24 - Reusing apps and using twitter bootstrap
- 26. Python Django Tutorial 25 - Custom user model and email authentication